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School Meals

School lunches are provided each day by our school meals service, Dolce.  The children are provided with a healthy variety of food freshly prepared on the premises.  The meals will cost £2.65 per day (£2.55 for Nursery). Payment and food ordering is made using Dolce's online system, School Grid

The government are currently funding meals for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, known as Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM).  Therefore, the cost to parents of children in these classes is free. You will still need to order your child's meal using the School Grid system.

If you require further information about school meals, please contact the school office.  Alternatively, if you choose for your child not to have a cooked school lunch, you may send a packed lunch in a clearly named bag/lunch box each day.

Some children may wish to bring a snack for morning breaks.  Our school has 'Healthy Schools Accreditation' and we actively encourage healthy eating habits.  Sweets, chocolates, crisps and fizzy drinks are discouraged.  As part of a government initiative free fruit is provided for all Foundation Stage and KS1 children.

Income related free school meals

Income related free school meals can be given to your child in any year at school.

This includes nursery children if they attend before and after lunch at a local authority nursery school or nursery class. 

If you get any of the benefits below, you can claim free school meals.

  • Income Support
  • Jobseeker's Allowance Income based
  • Employment Support Allowance Income related
  • Support under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Guaranteed Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit - as long as your letter shows you have an income of less than £16,190 and do not get Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit - your earned income must be less than £7,400 a year

Please use the link below to apply for free school meals.

Snack Fees   (Nursery & Reception)

We have snack time as part of the morning and afternoon Nursery session and in the afternoon in Reception.  The children wash their hands and sit in a circle on the carpet.  This provides opportunities for the development of social skills and speaking and listening are very apparent.  Daily free milk and free fruit are also provided for every child.  The children bake every week and this is used for snacks. £1.50 per week is required for snacks, which is used to buy ingredients for baking and a variety of food items.

The total cost for snacks for the academic year 2024/25 is £58.50 per child.

We would ask that this is paid in full by 15th September 2024 or in three termly payments of:

£22.50 by 15th September 24

£18.00 by 15th January 25

£18.00 by 15th April 25

Payments should be made by bank transfer into the following account:

Bank                             Lloyds TSB

Branch                         Hotel Street, Bolton

Sort Code                    30-91-01

Account Number        15680460

Account Name            Harwood Meadows Community Primary School

Please ensure you use your child's name as a reference in order that we may trace the payment.