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RHE prepares children for adult life, enabling our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We want our children to understand how they are developing personally and socially, and we aim to provide the children with the opportunity to explore their rights and responsibilities.

As part of our planned, progressive RHE curriculum and in response to events, children will learn how to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of living in a diverse society.

Every child is encouraged to develop their self-worth, self-esteem and adopt a positive growth mind-set, enabling children to develop a healthy mind. This is promoted in all subjects across our curriculum encouraging the children to take on an ‘I can’ attitude.

Our School Values ‘Aspirational, Resilient and Kind’ are at the heart of all RHE (Jigsaw) lessons. We aim to remove barriers to learning by introducing children to new vocabulary during RHE lessons and by encouraging children to be ‘aspirational’ by providing them with the skills and the confidence to tackle challenging situations.

Lessons are designed to revisit common themes so that children develop their personal, social and emotional skills, allowing them to make progress in all areas of RHE, enabling children to become confident and productive learners across all subjects.


  • RHE intends to enable all children develop an understanding of how to build respectful relationships with others and how to keep themselves safe and healthy as they grow, ensuring they have ‘Roots to Grow and Wings to Fly’
  • Jigsaw lessons will enable children to learn about their own self-worth and build a positive self-esteem and the impact this has on their lives
  • Jigsaw lessons will also develop children’s knowledge and understanding of their rights and responsibilities within society and our lives today
  • A consistent, progressive approach will enable children to develop knowledge, skills and understanding to become respectful members of society
  • Skills and knowledge from other subjects such as RE (making good choices), Computing (Internet safety), Art, Science and English will allow the children to make links with other subjects of the curriculum, where appropriate and relevant.


  • We use the Jigsaw scheme of work to teach RHE. Each child will engage in weekly Jigsaw lessons to develop their knowledge and skills within relationships and health education. Jigsaw will be introduced in nursery and will continue throughout school
  • Children need lots of progressive revisiting in order to cement knowledge.  Our school values and school rules embed the knowledge and skills being taught within our RHE lessons. Each area of the Jigsaw program is revisited every year as it is a whole school approach, allowing the children to revisit key skills throughout each key stage and recap their previous learning and key knowledge
  • Strong links are made with the teaching other subjects for example through use of case studies, poems and stories to develop reading skills, discussions and debates to develop speaking and listening skills
  • RE is a stimulus and a springboard for the development of thinking and reasoning, understanding cause and effect and conflict resolution
  •  Children learn how to recognise unacceptable behaviours and what to do and where they can go for help, if needed
  •  Art, design technology, drama are closely linked with RHE as children use these subjects to communicate what they have learnt
  •  Teachers use first-hand experience, such as visits and visitors to engage the children’s interest in RE eg. School nurse visit/awareness days (Sports Relief)
  •  Through their understanding of building friendships and resolving conflict, children are encouraged to develop their feelings and empathy and understanding for others
  • Learners develop an understanding of British society
  • Children in key stage 2 will be given the opportunity to develop personal responsibilities by being part of pupil leadership groups (e.g. ‘Wellbeing Warrior Team’).


We focus on progression of knowledge and skills and discreet vocabulary which also form part of the units of work. We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • Assessing children’s understanding of topic linked vocabulary before and after the unit is taught
  • Summative assessment of pupil discussions about their learning
  • Images and videos of the children’s practical learning
  • Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice)
  • Subject leader monitoring of standards
  • Teacher dialogue where pupil’s work is scrutinised and there is the opportunity for teachers to understand their class’s work and develop curriculum opportunities further.

RHE has a strong presence in the ethos of the school through displays, assemblies, music and drama. Parents / grand-parents and visitors are encouraged to support the teaching and learning of RHE. Pupils develop an understanding and respect for their family, teachers, peers and anyone they come into contact with throughout their life.

The children will grow into confident, independent and responsible adults, ready to face the world as they move onto their next milestone of starting high school.